Influencer Lookalike Tool

Ever wished you could clone your top performing influencers? Now you can (kind of).

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What is an influencer lookalike tool?

An influencer lookalike tool lets you find similar influencers based on the topics they post about, or their audience profiles. Finding lookalikes based on your top performing ambassadors is a great way to ramp up your influencer discovery & recruitment.

Try Finding Lookalikes

Find the influencers most similar to any profile

Modash's influencer database lists 200M+ creator profiles. By searching the username of any profile (try starting with your top existing ambassadors), you'll get suggestions for influencers who post about similar topics, or have similar audience demographics.

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An illustrative image on Modash's influencer search engine
An illustrative image on Modash's customers

Add more filtering layers to find the perfect fit

Let's say you have the ideal creator already in the U.S., and you'd love to find someone exactly like that, but in Australia. By adding a filter for geography (either influencer location, or their audience's location), you'll find people that fit your criteria.

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Analyze profiles, and get contact details

Once you've found creators that seem like the perfect fit, use Modash data to analyze their profiles. Check for fake followers, engagement rates, growth rates, audience details, and more. Add influencers to a list, and export contact details in bulk to begin outreach.

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An illustrative image on Modash's API
Le fondateur de Modash sur scène s'entretient avec le fondateur de Kipwise

La plupart des bases de données mentent à leurs clients. C'est pourquoi nous avons créé une base de données d'influenceurs contenant des données précises sur tous les influenceurs du monde. Les marques méritent mieux, les influenceurs méritent mieux.

Avery Schrader
PDG et fondateur de Modash

A simple but powerful influencer marketing tool

Modash brings your influencer discovery, analytics, monitoring, and management together. Everything your team needs to scale profitable influencer marketing campaigns.

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